Yay, off to...! :-)

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Yay, off to...! :-)

Post by wirbel »

Hey, it's the time when a lot of people go on holiday, so it'll be interesting to hear where you're going/ have been.. :)

I'm off to Scandinavia this friday for three weeks; i really can't wait! We'll be driving to Norway and then spend most of our time there enjoying the landscape, hiking, fishing and just relax. And it'll be a good opportunity to buy some new cd's like Stina's PAS (still haven't got it), Anna Ternheim (finally!) and Emiliana Torrini. And maybe Anja Garbarek or R?yksopp's new album.

I won't be online as much of course, but i'll check into every internet cafe i see ;)

see ya guys and have a great summer! 8d

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Post by sound world »

Why not go and see Stina's exhibition and tell the rest of us about it?

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Post by wirbel »

I've thought about it, but the friends i'm traveling with really dislike Stina, so how will i get them to go to stockholm with me? :?:

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Post by whatis »

if they're really friends, they should be able to accompany you AND find some amusements of their own while you do your thing...

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Post by picsou »

As much as I like Stina, I would rather spend the whole 3 weeks in Norway and explore, hike,... and miss on the exhibition in Stockholm, if you only have rare opportunities to go to Norway. The little hiking I have done in Northern Sweden was just amazing, and worth (almost 8d ) any of Stina's CDs, and Norway is supposedly even better. However, if the weather is nice, your friend could explore the islands around Stockholm while you indulge in SN.

Edit: We are going to Romania on tuesday. Well, actually, maybe not, the weather has been really shit over there, roads are shut on something like 75% of the country due to rain.

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Post by pgss »

No far away holiday for me. Although I'm planning to return to New York next year. Can't wait.

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Post by blue »

No summer holiday for me this year, but only because I'll be on honeymoon instead! 8d

Still don't know where, however. I'm thinking he might have arranged somewhere romantic in Scotland perhaps, because it's my home country and I love to go back there. I'm sure I'll be happy wherever we end up, though.

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Post by barrett »

Yesterday I returned from a weeks camping holiday with the kids up in county Donegal .Great time had by all.We actually caught the Irish summer ,which only lasts for a week (if youre lucky) [king] This morning its back to the usual drizzle.

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Post by Franck »

on the second half of August, my sweetheart and I will go and visit some "ch?teaux de la loire" (Loire's castles) and then in Vend?e, next to the atlantic ocean on the western coast of France... ^

We're looking forward to it, 'cos last months have been very busy and testing for both of us...

oh, by the way, Priscille attended her viva last week, and is now a brilliant doctor of science 8d

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Post by Elforel »

Congrats to Priscilla!!!!
Franck, i am going home for a few days middle or end of august, if u pass by Nantes for the castle, we might share a beer and u could be the first cqd-er to meet my future wife! [crazy]
"Mieux vaudrait apprendre a faire l'amour correctement plut?t que s'abrutir sur un livre d'histoire." B.Vian

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Post by Franck »

Oh yes yes yes !!!! we have to meet on august !!!! [crazy] [akiss] 8d

(hum... it's Priscille, not Priscilla ;))

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Post by kuhn »


- If you are in Norway, be prepared to get broke [censor]

- It's raining now.

- Touch luck finding any Stina or Anja Garbarek CDs in the record stores, go to CDON.com instead when you get home. - (I think Balloon Mood is out of stock! :V

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a few days left...

Post by witchy »

..and i'm also off for very well deserved holidays, 4 WEEKS! ^ 8d Rome, Trentino, Rome and back to work on the 22nd of August. [:xx]
Can't wait, can't work properly anymore, brain's totally mashed... [crazy]
Frank, big congrats to your gal [tup] . Elfi, when do you marry precisely??? Send me a little souvenir at least!

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Post by blue »

Have a fantastic time Sara, you and the bump. :)

Four days after you get back, I'll be a Mrs!!!! :shock: (With an Italian surname, BTW - I'll be glad to finally get rid of my own weird French surname. :D )

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Post by Elforel »

That's not fair! French surnames are going to disapear from the surface of the earth then!
Bluesy will get rid of hers and my fiancee won't take mine! The balance will be broken! What catastrophe could ensue???
The last hope for the Universe is that Puce is going to marry her french boyfriend now...
Sara, my wedding is on the 6th of August!
When's yours Bluesy?
Around when is your baby due Sara? Which Crane company did you chose for the delivery?
"Mieux vaudrait apprendre a faire l'amour correctement plut?t que s'abrutir sur un livre d'histoire." B.Vian

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