Anna Ternheim

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Post by Kollryd »

daniel wrote:I absolutely ADORE Anna Ternheim's music. So good that words cannot describe. Coincidentally I went to her concert just the day before yesterday.

If you wanna see some pics from it they are at my website at the top of my blog:

Dammit! I wanted to go to her concert in G?teborg som time ago but it was sold out even though she played two gigs. But the funny part is that I was walking down the Avenyn and thinking about the concert when she was in town, annoyed that I missed it, and suddenly I ran into Anna herself. 8d She had been shopping...

I missed the gig but I still saw her :)

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Post by daniel »

Kollryd: NICE!

It's always kinda funny to spot a "celebrity" ... but it's funnier when it's someone who's work you admire.

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Post by wirbel »

daniel wrote:Kollryd: NICE!

It's always kinda funny to spot a "celebrity" ... but it's funnier when it's someone who's work you admire.
where's your camera when you need it? ;)
but a great story indeed Kollryd. I wish i would run into Anna or Stina someday; i would probably not know what to say...

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Post by paulr »

hm.. almost convince to buy the album now. I still like "to be gone"
Down Desire Avenue ..

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Post by wirbel »

i sure wanna buy it; i really love all the songs i've heard so far! wonder if they're selling it here in the Netherlands, or i might have to wait till my next visit to sweden... :???:

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Post by kuhn »

wirbel wrote:i sure wanna buy it; i really love all the songs i've heard so far! wonder if they're selling it here in the Netherlands, or i might have to wait till my next visit to sweden... :???:
Check out CDON.

None of Anna Terhheim's stuff is out in my country, but I can buy it there.

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Post by wirbel »

There's a new video on Anna's website, it's 'Shoreline'; you'll find it together with the other videos under music and then click on her album

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Post by wirbel »

News from Anna Ternheim, she's just started a new tour and a new album is forthcoming :)
Hello everybody!

It?s been a while, I hope you all are well!

Lately I?ve been working on my new album, combined with gigs around
Europe. The album is beginning to take shape and shouldn?t take forever to

I?ll soon start my European tour, and the premiere date is in Hamburg
on March 19th. After Germany come Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands
and France.

In France I?ll be joining "Les femmes s?en melent". It?s a festival
with female artists that is being held in several French cities. I?ll be
travelling around and playing with Vashti Bunyan, Isobell Campbell and
Brisa Roch? among others.

I hope to see you somewhere along the way!

Take care

19/3 Hamburg Knust (D)
20/3 Berlin Magnet (D)
21/3 Cologne Prime Club (D)
22/3 Munich Ampere (D)
24/3 Vienna Szene Wien (A)
26/3 Luzern Sch??r (CH)
27/3 Winterthur Saltzhaus (CH)
29/3 Basel Kaserne (CH)
30/3 Bern ISC (CH)
04/4 Amsterdam Paradiso (NL)
05/4 Rotterdam Lantaren/Venster (NL)
17/4 Paris Caf? de la Danse (F)
18/4 Vendome National Teater (F)
19/4 Amiens La Lunes les Pirates (F)
20/4 Tourcoing Le Grand Mix (F)
21/4 Dieppe Sc?ne Nationale (F)
22/4 Grenoble Le Ciel (F)
23/4 Marseille Le Poste ? Gal?ne (F)
24/4 Sanary Sur Mer Th?atre Galli (F)
28/4 Bourges Le Printemps de Bourges (F)
05/5 Bergen Ole Bull Scene (N)
06/5 Oslo Rockefeller (N
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Post by aermancer »

:D :D I bought Somebody Outside on eBay today.
Thanks for reccomending her! :D
Last edited by aermancer on Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by wirbel »

finally some news from Anna:

Hoppas att allt ?r bra och att sommaren har f?tt er att l?ngta efter
h?sten. Jag f?redrar h?sten, man blir liksom lite klarare i huvudet.

Skivan ?r ?ntligen klar, men som alltid blir det m?rkligt tomt n?r man
avslutar n?got. Det har tagit l?ngre tid och varit k?mpigare ?n jag
trodde, jag ?r helt enkelt j?vligt omst?ndig av mig. Albument har d?pts
till "Separation Road" och sl?pps den 27 september. S? h?r i efterhand
tycker jag sj?lv att den har ganska lite med f?rra skivan att g?ra, det
l?ter st?rre och r?are. Jag ser verkligen fram emot att spela
materialet live.

Det blir turn?premi?r p? Rival i Stockholm den 26 oktober och d?refter
forts?tter jag genom Sverige. Jag kommer att ha med mig ett nytt band.
Det blir Staffan Andersson p? elgitarr, Andreas Dahlb?ck p? trummor,
David Nystr?m p? klaviatur och Jerker Odelholm p? bas. Sj?lv kommer jag
att spela acke-gura och vingligt piano.

Hoppas verkligen att vi ses!


It says that the work on the new album is ready but took more time than expected; the album will be called "Separation Road" and will be released on september 27. She also has a new band and will play live again starting October 26. The new website for the album will also be opened soon i guess; there's a clock ticking there now :)
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Post by Meowth »

i've searching for anna bootlegs, anyone has some ? :oops:
i will be the only mad man in the park

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Post by aermancer »

Since buying "Somebody Outside" I have decided that it is the most depressing album of all time. I can't even listen to it without getting depressed. :(

Maybe it just has bad connotations for me because i listened to it when i was going through a rough time. :?:

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Post by kuhn »

Anna's new album is out next week ) in Scandinavia at least!

You can pre-order a SIGNED copy here: ... all_se.asp

Too bad all the signed deluxe editions are gone, but there are - right now -130 left of the normal release.

I'm getting both the releases.

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Post by kuhn »

Meowth wrote:i've searching for anna bootlegs, anyone has some ? :oops:
Separation_Road_(Musikjournalen_Live_13-09-06): ... 09-06)-200

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Post by Meowth »

:D thanks a lot :oops: :D

is there any good website to buy separation road limited edition ? i think i'll have to hurry on getting it before it gets unavailable (same as somebody outside (naked versions) :( :( :()
i will be the only mad man in the park

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