Posting rules
Posting rules
Please, do not post links to copyrighted material here, like mp3s, musis videos ... (but it's allowed if they directly come from the official website of the artist).
I believe in your smile everyday
But I know that you're far from my way
When I talk to the moon I can hear you
In the dark I can see, I can feel your light
But I know that you're far from my way
When I talk to the moon I can hear you
In the dark I can see, I can feel your light
New laws about internet were voted last year in France and they are very stricts. So legally I'm responsible of the whole content and links posted in this message board.
I believe in your smile everyday
But I know that you're far from my way
When I talk to the moon I can hear you
In the dark I can see, I can feel your light
But I know that you're far from my way
When I talk to the moon I can hear you
In the dark I can see, I can feel your light
- sound world
- Bedroom
- Posts: 2970
- Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:03 pm
- anti-spam: No
- Contact:
And let's not forget that the whole point of copyright is so that the artists get remunerated for their work.In practice,of course,lots of other lizards take their slice first,but the principle will have to do until someone thinks of something better.(About time).
Alex has been scrupulous about observing the letter of the law,and should be applauded for it.
Alex has been scrupulous about observing the letter of the law,and should be applauded for it.